i can dish it out AND take it...

so this one claims that i can dish out blog guilt and not take it. well, we will see. i am going to post something everyday for the next month and let's see who is put to shame. part of not posting is sometimes i feel like there is no one out there reading. so if you are reading this, leave a comment and give me some love. at the end of my month of DAILY blogs i will choose someone from my MILLIONS of readers to make a quilt for. how's that for a blog post?


Erik-Karen-Kyra said...

Oooh-oooh, pick me, pick me! I want a quilt! black and gold of course...b/c football season is starting! Hey, I want to be in the yearly pool too...if I can!?

btw: how are we supposed to know if you blog every day when there is no date? I suspect you've already missed?

this is us said...

Daily?!?!?!? Ha! I laugh in the face of your dailiness!