when it rains it pours

there are times in our lives when we hope we will never have to repeat something again. for me it is the last 2 months. if i actually listed all that has gone wrong, you would think i live in a soap opera. but this last week my grandmother passed away which made everything else seem like spilled milk. she was an amazing woman who raised four very strong, confident women. she loved her husband deeply and was completely devoted to him until the day she died. i have hope that she is with him now, fully aware, without any of the signs of the alzheimers that robbed her from us years before she actually passed. i have hope that i can love my family the way she did - completely and without question - and that one day i will be with her again and meet the man that she loved so deeply her entire life.


Mel Sawyer said...

Nanny was the bomb! You are like her...you love your family and friends completely and you are so creative and crafty...just like Nanny! I'm glad you're MY family!