i am grateful for...

i have joined the group of awesome inspired ladies who have committed to write 20 things we are grateful for each day. i will continue to do this through the last day of november. oh yeah, feel free to join us. but make sure i am the first on your list of what you are grateful for...
1. friends with funny blog posts
2. time to create today
3. my cat that laid on the quilt i was trying to baste on the floor. sorry felicia. :0)
4. my new baby bulldog, olive izabella
5. scoopable cat litter
6. my mom
7. pretty wrapping paper
8. the cool inspired girls who started this
9. living in a free country
10. blogging
11. meeting friends through blogging
12. the beach
13. the way sand feels on your feet
14. tickets to denver to visit my best friend
15. my amazing nieces and nephews
16. talking late into the night with my best friend
17. tv shows with families that have multiples
18. crocs
19. real simple magazine
20. hope


Cameron said...

So glad you joined us, Anna! I'll add you to my list today! :)