3: weight loss wednesday

i know some of you missed the tirade yesterday. sorry about that. i promise to have a good one next tuesday. but for today...
let's see. i walked... one day this week. i say this sheepishly because my roommate and best friend is shaming me - she has walked every single day and has even gotten others in her office to join her. whatever...
so yeah, focusing on the good stuff...
i made the meal plan and stuck to it about 80% of the time. the other 20% i substituted one meal for another. i am still doing good on the pepsi front, but the sweets are still killing me. so, for this week...
1. clean all of the sweets out of the house
2. walk every day
3. do arm exercises every other day (i am in a wedding in april - sleeveless dresses...)
oh, and on the actual scale... i weigh the same. considering superbowl sunday was a bit of a party day, i think nothing gained is a great thing. oh, yeah... i am wearing pants today that i couldn't fit into last year this time - a size smaller than what i have been wearing!
be brave, friends...


this is us said...

go, go, go!!!!

The universe is in balance, by the way, because I wore pants a size BIGGER than last year yesterday. And today I'm in my trusty sweatpants. ;)

Kris said...

You are doing AWESOME Anna! I love you and am so proud of you. You are doing way better than me.... especially considering I am sitting here at the table eating donuts and drinking pepsi... Lol. I am BAD. LOVE YOU!

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