a little encouragement...

as i have been reading blogs and message boards, one theme seems to be coming back again and again - we don't believe that we are good enough. whether it is mothering, career or art, we always sell ourselves short. i seem to run in to many women who don't think their art is good enough or as good as... and i have to admit this is a trap that i find myself in frequently. i look at all these awesome blogs and think, man i wish i was that good or clever or skinny. and then today i opened up my skirt magazine (their website has a donna downey ad at the bottom - holla) to find this...

it is a piece done by summer pierre. it has been ripped out and is now hanging on my new design board. i promise i will have creative space pics in the next few days. it encourages me and i hope it encourages you too.
be brave
<3 anna


MelB said...

Oh Anna I love it! I would love to hand this in my scrap room.

Summer Pierre said...


Yay! Thank you for your kudos and your inspiration!

You go girl!

Summer Pierre

MelB said...

I was just looking at this hanging in my scrap room the other night and thinking of you. You're so sweet. Glad we met even if on-line.