my co-workers are hairy...

and they bite. well, one of them does. this is jack, who was so precious as a kitten, but now insists that he only wants to be touched on his terms. he also believes that my mac powerbook is a great place for a nap and that it is fun to make dogs chase you. we won't even mention how he hides in the bushes and jumps out at my clients as they are getting ready to come to the door. i think he may be getting his pink slip sometime soon. i don't know why he hasn't been fired before now.
be brave, friends...


Anonymous said...

I tell ya he's the evil version of Dewey... you'll love that book!


this is us said...

yeah - he should be fired before I visit.

Anonymous said...

AAARRRGGHH!! Maybe we shouldn't have named him after a pirate! LOL!

Kris said...

So I was at work this past week, and someone made the comment that they had never met an orange cat that was mean. I just laughed and thought of Jack... LOL.